Whew! Website nearly ready

Spent an intense couple of days getting this website hammered into shape, uploading photos, and swapping help with this page, for my help with a different page.
Not bad, tho of course, the whole thing could use some more touch ups. Particularly the Hall of Masks. i'm worried you'll get lost in there, and won't come out again. Good table service tho, and nice chairs, so you won't be uncomfortable while you browse.

All of my past work that i have photographs of is there, which is why it is so huge. A long, nearly endless hall of masks, pranks, costumes, monsters, headdresses, and other projects.
i intend to use that page as a sort of 'cloud', slash 'archive' slash 'portfolio' - and if you know much about me, you know that keeping a good record of my work has been an elusive goal for much of my life.

I did meet my pinterest view goal - in fact overshot it by a lot. i got several bras, a bustier, the listings and photography of them done. And this weekend, i hope to make some swag belts, and tutus and hats.

Photos and updates to come. Oh, and next week, i hope to have my model over again, and maybe get some outdoor shots of the masks, headdresses, etc.